International Summer School of Museology


Mednarodna poletna šola muzeologije

Phone386 (0) 5 663 7740

The International Summer School of Museology derived from the Piran Museology Summerschool, a part of the former Celje School of Museology, founded in 1995 and run by the Celje Museum of Recent History. In the recent years it has been organised by the Forum of Slavic Cultures International Foundation and the Faculty of Humanities Koper and has taken place at the University of Primorska. With the selection of Slovenian and international lecturers, it is intended for museum experts, students from humanistic disciplines, young experts and future museology experts.


The summer school has an international programme council and has had more than 500 participants. It is organised with the help of museology experts from the Museumsakademie Joanneum Graz, Reinwardt Academie Amsterdam and the Slovenian Committee of the International Council of Museums (ICOM). Each year, the programme is shaped around a topic pertinent to the sector and consists of lectures, workshops, film screenings and excursions to nearby museum sights.

In the past editions, several museology experts from Slovenia, Croatia, Great Britain, Denmark, the Netherlands and Austria have taken part in the lecture programme. The International Summer School of Museology has built up a reputation as a meeting place for Slovenian and international experts in the field of museum studies.


The international school kicked off as the Celje School of Museology, conceived by the Celje Museum of Recent History in collaboration with Museumsakademie Joanneum Graz and Reinwardt Academie Amsterdam. In October 2009, the museum hosted the international museum workshop with the topic "New Trends in Museology" with Peter van Mensch and Léontine Meijer van Mensch from Reinwardt Academie Amsterdam.

Every year, the museum also organised the Summer School of Museology intended for students of humanistic studies and those who want to become museum curators. It takes place on the Slovenian coast in the historic town of Piran at the Institute of Mediterranean Heritage. The topic for 2009 was Museums and Tourism.

See also

External links


Mednarodna poletna šola muzeologije +
Mednarodna poletna šola muzeologije +
The International Summer School of Museology derived from the Piran Museology Summerschool, a part of the former Celje School of Museology, founded in 1995 and run by the Celje Museum of Recent History. +
The International Summer School of Museology derived from the Piran Museology Summerschool, a part of the former Celje School of Museology, founded in 1995 and run by the Celje Museum of Recent History. +
+386 / 5 663 7740 +
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